Gallery Weekend Berlin; 2nd – 4th May
This event started in 2004 and has been running every year since. On this weekend, over 50 galleries will throw open their doors to let people look, comment and buy some of the best contemporary art in the city. As well as featuring some of the best known galleries in Berlin, some lesser known spots will open their doors.
The event draws in thousands of people every year from all over the globe. For more information, take a look at the official website here.
Long Night of Museums; 17th May
For one night a year more than 100 museums and cultural institutions open their doors late into the night for people to get a closer look at paintings and installations. As well as existing works, special performances are put on exclusively for people visiting that evening.
The night starts at 18:00 and ends at 02:00, with exhibits suitable for the whole family. A shuttle bus service is provided to connect visitors to different parts of the city. For more information visit the official website here.
Velothon – 18th May
The second largest bicycle race in Europe, the Velothon attracts more than 13,000 competitors and over 250,000 spectators. Three different entry levels are available, ranging from 60km for beginners, to 120km for more ambitious cyclists.
The race starts and finishes at Brandenburger Tor and further details can be seen here
DMY – International Design Festival; 28th May – 1st June
This event aims to bring together creative thinkers in one place. Held at the DMY gallery, the International Design festival is a melting pot for ideas brought together from creative minds across the globe.
Over a period of five days, people will have a chance to see the latest design trends and get to meet people they otherwise might have never had a chance to speak with. For more information visit the DMY website here.
If you’re planning on visiting Berlin at all this month, make sure you download the TrippaBerlin guide before you go to get all the essential information on the best places to stay, eat, drink, see and shop. If you’re not going to Berlin any time soon why don’t you download one of our other fantastic guides like Trippa Athens,Barcelona, Cardiff, London, Helsinki, Marseille,Palma,Oslo, Seville or Stockholm